Practice Areas

Why You Need a Lawyer

Can’t I do all this myself or with an online form site?

Yes. You “can.” You can also perform surgery on yourself…but I wouldn’t advise it just to save on medical bills.

Unfortunately, I have been forced to tell many of my clients that the legal document that they have presented to me that their loved one prepared on their own is legally insufficient, and, therefore, not valid. Often after their loved one has already passed and it cannot be corrected.

Hence, the risks of failing to prepare legal documents on your own with the precision that the law commands are FAR outweighed by the benefits that you will receive by retaining the services of an experienced attorney at an affordable cost.

And whether you need a Will, Power of Attorney, Advanced Medical Directive, Deed or Contract of Sale, etc.? The Law Office of Gregory C. Reynolds will ensure that all of your legal documents meet and exceed the highest standards of the law, accurately reflect your wishes, and will survive any future scrutiny or legal challenges that may arise…even long after you have passed.

General Practice

Throughout a 25+ year legal career, Gregory C. Reynolds, Esq. has assisted clients with a myriad of legal issues that have arisen – too many to name on a website. Suffice it to say, he believes in being a “lawyer for life” for his clients and assisting them with all of their legal needs. And on the rare occasion you have a legal issue that he is unable to handle, he will know a lawyer or other professional who can.


General Practice
Changing a Deed to your home

Wills & Estates

You can make choices now that will give you peace of mind later. Gregory C. Reynolds will help you create your:

  • Will — to make your wishes known about the distribution of your assets to your beneficiaries
  • Trust — if you need help managing your estate during your lifetime
  • Power of attorney — to assign another person to make financial decisions for you, now or in the event that you are incapacitated
  • Advance medical directive (Living Will) — to inform your doctors about your preferences regarding life-sustaining treatment

With our assistance, you can have a basic estate plan that effectively provides for your own care during your lifetime and for your family after you are gone.

Estate Administration

When you are named as the executor of a will, you are responsible for seeing the estate through probate. Gregory C. Reynolds can help you carry out your duties, which include:

  • Filing a petition to initiate the probate process
  • Taking inventory of the estate
  • Paying the estate’s debts
  • Distributing assets to the beneficiaries
  • Closing the estate

With our assistance, we can help you fulfill your fiduciary responsibilities when you are a trustee.

Estate Administration
Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law

What is it? Real Estate attorneys are not legally required at every transaction, however, hiring one can be very useful for the average home-buyers. First, real estate attorneys can review the house’s transaction history and title to ensure that the house is able to be sold and that no past owners will come back claiming to still own the house. Second, many attorneys can advise homeowners regarding their mortgaging options. Third, attorneys can help review the contract of sale to make sure there it is fair to all parties. Most real estate attorneys charge an hourly fee, although some charge a flat fee for their services.

Related Practice Areas

  • Title & Boundary Disputes – Owners of land face claims by adjoining landowners and others that challenge their ownership or use of land. Claims can arise from disputed rights-of-way, acts of nuisance, trespass, ejectment and boundary disputes. The Government often claims for unpaid tax liens, nuisance liens or non-permitted activities. Banks often claim for unpaid liens. Many disputes are covered by title insurance, and some are excluded from your coverage. We can help you negotiate these issues, or litigate your interests to satisfactory conclusion in the courts.
  • Accidents and Injuries – Homeowners may be liable for injuries sustained on their property.
  • Estate Planning – Some people are very concerned about keeping real estate within the family. Estate planning attorneys can help them achieve that goal.
  • Insurance Law – Most landowners have homeowner’s insurance, which protects their property against various types of damage.

Whatever your needs are, Gregory C. Reynolds can help.

For Sale By Owner

Gregory C. Reynolds, Esq. has overseen the transfer of thousands of properties throughout his career as a Settlement Attorney for two separate title companies. He can help you as well if you are looking to buy or sell a property by:

  • Drafting Contracts of Sale
  • Obtaining digital signatures for all parties to the contract
  • Recommending a suitable lender capable of reviewing and approving a potential mortgage for you
  • Recommending a Realtor who can assist you in selling your home or assisting you in buying a property if needed
title and escrow

Title & Escrow

What is Title & Escrow?  First, the word “Title” is a collective term for all of your legal rights to own, use and dispose of land.  Title includes all previous ownership, uses and transfers. To legally transfer real estate property, a title search must be performed, and, in most cases, the title must be found free of any circumstances that could endanger your right of ownership.  Title insurance protect against the possibility of future loss should your legal rights to your property be challenged.

There are two types of Title Insurance: A lender’s policy and an owner’s policy.  The lender’s policy protects the lender’s interest in the property for the amount of the mortgage loan.  An owner’s policy protects the homebuyer for the full property value. For more information, check out the FAQ section.

Deed Transfer

Allow your real property to pass to your loved ones while avoiding the burden and expense of probate.  On your death, your property will automatically pass to your loved ones without the necessity of drafting a new deed thereafter.


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